Sonntag, 31. Januar 2010

hej hej!

i had a great week and also a quite nice weekend. two exchange-student partys...friday was really funny, yesterday was not so good because of the crappy music. it seems like most exchange students here love lady gaga and stuff like that...ppaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
but that's okay i will make some google research to locate the pubs where i will be spending parts of my weekends, yeah!
today i stayed in my flat all day - watched prison break and finished my film analysis about "12 angry men" and photoshopped a little.
pretty nerdy, i like that.

the weather is nice, the air is cold.
i love it.

there you go with some photoshop i did...nothing serious, just fooling around and hej hej! ...check it:

hey hey, my my
clifford playing the guitar...beat that clown!

11th dimension
11th Dimension - that's a great song by julian casablancas. listen and enjoy.

see you soon.


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