Freitag, 22. Januar 2010

Here come the News

I managed to keep in time for the first deadline - Flo and I had to stay at the University to finish our work, we slept on wheelchairs...but that's okay - gotta pay if you want to play.

Life in sweden is pretty expensive - if you go by bus a 1,5 hour ticket costs you 220 SEK and if you don't buy the ticket before entering the bus you pay 420 SEK (ca. 4,20 Euros). Food and stuff is also more expensive, usually you pay about one or two Euros more than you do in Austria.

At the University I'm in a class of about twelve people. They are all really nice and bring along a big load of motivation. Illustrate, listen to music, talk and laugh...doesn't sound that bad, huh!? And never forget about the FIKKA! That's the Swedish Version of the English Teatime which is celebrated with sweets and coffee! Have fun, life is good.

Here are some of the first pictures i took. Most of them...all of them are taken in/from my room! :-)
But as I do, my pictures will start to move around and show you all the different sides of Västeras, Eskilstuna and Sweden as a whole.

Put on your Dancing Shoes
Get on your Dancing Shoes

Oh my Gosh, you're so beautiful
You sexy little swine

My Room and Me
The Floor

Sight from my balcony
Sight from my balcony

The true story of the Vandals
The true story of the Vandals

Eat some food
There's one thing on your mind

Sight from my balcony 02
I see


4 Kommentare:

  1. wirklich schöner post herr gerstgrasser..hoffe ihnen gehts gut da oben,flieg zu ostern auch nach schweden aber nach malmö zu meinen großeltern,ist leider nicht in deiner nähe..have fun..enjoy..let the good times roll...

  2. dankeschön! freut mich wenns gefällt!
    ich wünsche guten flug ud gute unterhaltung!

  3. na mein junge!!!!!schon eingelebt wie man so liest!!!

    na dann mach mal nen anständigen spotcheck und plan ne anständige tour damit wir nicht planlos dastehen wenn ich komme:)!!!!

    machs gut junge junge!!!!grüß die schwedinnen von mir

  4. schicker blog ;)

    frier dir nicht den arsch ab :P

    bussi (noch aus österreich)
